Thursday, July 28, 2011

pick me up

Do you ever have those days, moments, weeks, when you could just use a real "pick me up"? Well today is definitely one of those days...  Jeremy threw out his back this morning.  He has been in a lot of pain and couldn't go to work.  I would see it as a celebration but he sees it as a royal pain in the butt!  Then on top of that, I got some very disappointing news and have been feeling low every since (no dets on-line..).  So this afternoon Jeremy and I will treat ourselves to a little "pick me up"...

We will indulge in our usual pick me up... Sushi! NOM NOM NOM!

Praying for a more encouraging, uplifting, joy filled day tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer nights

I am so thankful for summer nights-  Things always seem to slow down a bit in the summer, and I always enjoy the change of pace.  There is something so special about a summer night, especially when you are sharing it with people you love.

Last night I got to enjoy yet another summer night with people I love.  We sat on the waters edge at the Salem Willows enjoying each others company, firing up the grill, sharing laughs.  Later in the evening we ventured over the the heart of the willows; the arcade.  We changed in our dollar bills for quarters and enjoyed some of the same games we enjoyed when we were ten years younger.  Being a Salem native I have always loved the Willows, even as a young girl.  Yet I have to say, it's one hundred times better when you are with people you love.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So it's been a while...

Please forgive me- it's been a while! Things in the Puz household have been very busy.  This summer we have embarked on many new journeys- 

Our baby puppy Moose is no longer a baby, but a rambunctious teenager.  

We spent two weeks in the country of India, learning about the culture, people, ourselves and God.  

We celebrated our one year anniversary in Keene NH.  

We have also been spending quality time with our friends and family.  

It has been a fun packed summer, and I promise I will try to do a better job with keeping this thing updated.. but as for now, I hope these pictures will do!