Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August 23rd

I have this adorable little daily calendar in my cubicle.  It was a gift from Jeremy this past Christmas, and I have really enjoyed it since then.  It is one of those calendars that has a little mini daily devotion/inspirational God story for each day, ending with a small prayer.  Well today (August 23rd) I really enjoyed what I read so I have decided to share it with the blogging world.  Yup, I'm going to share it with all 14 of you people who follow my blog!

"For many years of my life, I suffered from very severe migraine headaches, agonizing in bed for two or three days every month.  I can remember the unbelievably wonderful feeling of waking up one morning to discover that, finally, i didn't have a headache.  How I appreciated that freedom from pain! But, of course, within a few days I was taking my headache-free condition for  granted.  It seems to be human nature that we pay attention to what's wrong and give very little thought to what's not wrong.
 Today, maybe you'll join me in giving thanks for all the small things that are not wrong in your life.  It's a little like counting our blessings, only in reverse.  For example, yesterday, I noticed that my gas gauge was registering empty, but I made it to the gas station in time.  I could have run out of fuel on that empty stretch of Nebraska road between Kearney and Gibbon! My grocery sack broke in my car trunk instead of on the cement porch, where the ketchup bottle would have shattered.  I stood on a wobbly stool (not smart) to reset the clock and almost fell but didn't. 
 Maybe this morning, you'll notice your nontoothace or catch yourself before putting your foot in your mouth, or be thankful that pimple cleared up before your important date.
 Silly things, little things- but being aware of what didn't go wrong can set us free from the trap of focusing on the negative and thereby attracting more of it."

* Today, Lord, I give thanks for all that isn't wrong.
-Marilyn Morgan King

So today I am giving thanks for all the things that aren't wrong in my life instead of nit picking all the things that I'm not happy with.

For example;
I have my own cube! That's something to be thankful about...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Brian & Jade *8.14.2011*

I thought I would dedicate this blog post to my newly married friends Brian & Jade! Also, I thought I would take this time to rant and rave about how awesome their wedding was.  Before I get to the details of the wedding I want to emphasize how stinking cute Brian and Jade are together.  I think they are both such fabulous people and I could not be more thrilled that they are together.

Congrats again Brian and Jade Carlson!! 

Now onto the details of the wedding!  I don't think I have ever met someone as creative as Jade.  She really knocked this one out of the park.  The ceremony was absolutely beautiful.  You could see how deep their love for one another really was.  It was a very touching ceremony.

The reception was like something from a movie.  From the antique bottles, hand made napkins, old wooden doors with their engagement photos on them, everything tied in together to make the perfect reception site.  I loved how Jade thought of every little detail, and really enjoyed my time there celebrating with them.

Here are some snap shots of my favorite things:

Overall, it was the perfect evening with the perfect couple...
Thanks for letting us share your special day with you.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Rainy monday

Today has been a very rainy Monday.  Right when I rolled out of bed this morning I knew that all I wanted to do was lounge around and watch movies.  Sadly- being an "adult" I had to go to work and could not fully live out my dream of lounging.  Even though I couldn't lounge around all day long, I looked forward to doing a whole lot of nothing when the clock reached 5.

As soon as I came home from work I changed into my PJ's, made some Sloppy Joes (yes.. healthy eating was clearly a trend for tonight), and waited for Jeremy to get home.  When he came home he set the living room up to be our very own personal movie theater.  We put the couch cushions on the floor, got out our comfiest blankets and pillows and prepared ourselves for some serious relaxation.  Jeremy surprised me with all sorts of (very unhealthy) goodies like salt and vinegar chips, chocolate covered pretzels, twizlers and starbursts.  We popped in the movie and had a very relaxing rainy Monday night.  It was totally worth all the calories we ate.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This is what is getting me through my day...

The thought of sipping an iced cold mocha madness from Honey Dew Donuts.  If you haven't tried one before, you really really really should now.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Something i'm excited about!

So this past year I was a part of our Church's training school "Navigate".  I could not speak more highly of the school and the people who were a part of it.  I have learned so much about myself, God, the Bible, community, friendship, etc.  I have also made some really amazing friends because of it.  There is some unspoken bond between us all because of the things we have went through as a group. 

I have been on a team my whole life (Cross country, track, lacrosse) and I have learned to love the tight knit feeling of them.  There is something special about going through the same experiences with a group of people.  You can feel for one another.  Although personal experiences may differ from person to person, you are embarking on the same journey together.  You have each others backs, you encourage, motivate and love one another.

Once I graduated College I knew I would miss being a part of a team.  I knew I probably wouldn't be able to join some recreational team, so I wasn't sure how it would all pan out.  It is safe to say that my desires did not fall to the way side.  Navigate made me a part of a team again.  We have each others backs, encourage, motivate and love one another! We get to experience the tight bond teams have.  We get to grow and challenge one another in the most important aspect of our lives- our faith.

Now after completing the first module of Navigate, I am so excited to move on to the second!  Although our team is half the size it was in the beginning I am certain it is going to be just as powerful as the first.  I am also certain that the bonds made in the first year of Navigate will be ones that last forever.

Bring on Mod II!

(photo missing a few!)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Welcome Arielle!

One of my very best friends Stacey had her baby this weekend! I was so happy for her and her boyfriend Mike.  I had the pleasure of meeting this bundle of joy on Saturday, just eight hours after she was born.  Honestly, it was one of the most memorable moments of my life.  If there weren't so many people in the room with Stacey, I would have broke down crying.  I just couldn't believe that Stacey- my best friend Stacey, same girl I grew up next to since the 5th grade had a baby.  Stacey has been by my side through thick and thin, and someone I trust and love with all of my heart.  So needless to say, this weekend was an all time favorite.  As for Arielle- She is absolutely perfect.  She has dark hair and dark eyes just like daddy, and a little face that you could stare at for hours.

I am so happy for Stacey and Mike! I really do pray that God will provide them with everything they could possibly need.  Welcome to the world Arielle! You already have your very own fan club!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

pick me up

Do you ever have those days, moments, weeks, when you could just use a real "pick me up"? Well today is definitely one of those days...  Jeremy threw out his back this morning.  He has been in a lot of pain and couldn't go to work.  I would see it as a celebration but he sees it as a royal pain in the butt!  Then on top of that, I got some very disappointing news and have been feeling low every since (no dets on-line..).  So this afternoon Jeremy and I will treat ourselves to a little "pick me up"...

We will indulge in our usual pick me up... Sushi! NOM NOM NOM!

Praying for a more encouraging, uplifting, joy filled day tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer nights

I am so thankful for summer nights-  Things always seem to slow down a bit in the summer, and I always enjoy the change of pace.  There is something so special about a summer night, especially when you are sharing it with people you love.

Last night I got to enjoy yet another summer night with people I love.  We sat on the waters edge at the Salem Willows enjoying each others company, firing up the grill, sharing laughs.  Later in the evening we ventured over the the heart of the willows; the arcade.  We changed in our dollar bills for quarters and enjoyed some of the same games we enjoyed when we were ten years younger.  Being a Salem native I have always loved the Willows, even as a young girl.  Yet I have to say, it's one hundred times better when you are with people you love.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So it's been a while...

Please forgive me- it's been a while! Things in the Puz household have been very busy.  This summer we have embarked on many new journeys- 

Our baby puppy Moose is no longer a baby, but a rambunctious teenager.  

We spent two weeks in the country of India, learning about the culture, people, ourselves and God.  

We celebrated our one year anniversary in Keene NH.  

We have also been spending quality time with our friends and family.  

It has been a fun packed summer, and I promise I will try to do a better job with keeping this thing updated.. but as for now, I hope these pictures will do!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I thought I would take this time to write an update about the current events in my life, well primarily just our upcoming trip to India.
One biggest thing going on in me and Jeremy's life is this trip to India.  Not just for the mere fact that we will be traveling to the other side of the world to spend two weeks in a place we have never been before, but because of the journey we have been on since we have said "yes" to going.  It has been such a roller coaster.  I remember my first reaction when I heard we were going to be going to India for our over seas missions trip.  It was something like this "Oh my gosh AWESOME.... OH NO, NO WAY AM I GOING... But wait, how many people can say they've been to India before?!... OH NO NO NO I'm NOT going.... Okay, YES I am going... NO NO NO.. Okay fine God, I'll go if you really want me there."  I'm pretty sure my head was about to explode when we first found out we were going. 

Now, I feel very confident that we are supposed to go on this trip.  Even so, I have struggled with doubts about raising money, getting time off of work, leaving Moose behind while we are gone for two weeks.  It has not been an easy process for me.  Yet during this process I have learned a lot about myself and what God is trying to teach me through this trip (and we haven't even left the States yet!).

I have realized that I am a bit of a control freak.  I need to have everything figured out and perfect for me to feel okay.  I hold onto things so tightly because I'm afraid that if I let go then nothing will ever get done.  I have a hard time trusting, and that included me trusting God.  Now I think I have known this about myself for a very long time but I didn't really see the need to address it until now.  I was literally making myself sick worrying about all the little details of this trip such as money, work, etc.  By me holding everything so tightly and trying to do everything my own way I was limiting God and what He wanted to do if I just relied on Him.

Since then I have really tried my hardest to just let go of control.  Whenever I feel anxious or worried about the little details of this trip I remind myself that I have said yes to God to go on this trip, and he is going to honor my obedience to Him.  It has been really hard though! It is hard for me not to worry about things like raising enough money.  Yet one of the biggest things I have learned so far has been a recent discovery.  God isn't calling us to be perfect right away, it's a process.  Even though I still occasionally worry about how we will raise the money to go, or get anxious about leaving Moose at home, God knows my heart and sees that I truly desire to let go and change.  God is pleased with us when He sees these changes, even when they are only what seems to be small steps.
 God has shown me this week that He is in control and that I'm on this journey with Him to grow and change, not to have everything figured out.  Before when I was trying to do it all myself and wasn't fully relying on God, Jeremy and I raised $0 for our trip- No one responded to any of our support letters and I was feeling really discouraged and annoyed.  Now that I have realized that I can't do it in my own strength and need to let go and let God take control we have gotten donations from 4 or 5 different people! How encouraging! God wanted to show me all along that He is trustworthy and faithful and has my best interest in mind. 

It sure has been an exciting process and I am so excited to be able to take a step back and watch all the awesome things that God is doing. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

We're going to INDIA!.. but we could sure use a little help getting there!

India.. here we come!

Dear Family and Friends,

A lot has been going on in the Puz household. I guess we can start with the fact that Jeremy and I have been married for about eight months now! I often look back to July 17, 2010 and remember all the precious moments of our wedding day. It seems as if everything worked out so perfectly. The weather was perfect, the decorations were perfect, the ceremony and reception went without a hitch. It was a perfect and beautiful day and we are so thankful for our friends and family who were a part of it.

Since then we have been learning what it means to be married and how to love each other selflessly and passionately. It has been such a great learning experience and we have definitely already learned so much about each other, and what it takes to make a marriage work. And to think, we have a life time to go!
Besides the excitement of the wedding Jeremy and I have experienced what it means to be “grown-ups” and that is, working full time jobs. First of all, let me just express that it is not as wonderful as I thought it would be when I was in high school and college. Still, we are so thankful that we actually have work! Jeremy has got his business off the ground and it is doing remarkably well. He has a landscaping company called “Deep Roots”, they do all sorts of yard maintenance, and stone and brick work. Both the amazing walk way and stone wall were done by Jeremy.

As for me, I am working at a Health Care Compliance company called HcPRO working with the marketing operations team. I pretty much sit in my little cube all day on the computer. It is very different than what I thought I would be doing when I got out of college, but it is great for now because it provides benefits for both me and Jeremy.

We are still living in Beverly and recently just moved to a new apartment, which we love! It is a two bedroom apartment right next to Dane street beach. We definitely upgraded from our first one bedroom studio apartment located in the middle of nowhere! We love that we actually have doors in our apartment instead of having everything flow together to combine one giant room. We also just bought our first washer and dryer together (they were used of course). I have loved it! The first night we moved into our new apartment I did five loads of laundry! We have nested into this place and I am excited to call it home. Oh, and did I mention we just got a puppy? His name is Moose, and he is the sweetest puppy you will ever meet. He is a beagle terrier mix with the cutest puppy dog eyes you will ever see.

We have also been very involved in our church, The Harbor. It is such an amazing place! We have met some of our closest friends from this place. It is filled with compassionate, kind, and caring people. They have been such a support and encouragement to Jeremy and I and our marriage. We also love the values of the church, they line up right with what Jeremy and I believe. The motto of the church is “Haven for the broken, launch to the nations”. It really is a place where everyone is welcomed and accepted, and we love that about it! We love The Harbor so much that we have both decided to do their training school. The training school (called Navigate) is a place where people from the church come together to learn about Jesus. We are encouraged, taught, and refined in all aspects of our lives and faith. This is my first year doing the school, and I absolutely love it! I have learned so much about myself and about the character of God. We meet once a week on Wednesday nights, we have speakers from all over the world teach our class on different topics such as prayer, suffering, identity, etc. The great thing about this class is that it goes beyond just Wednesday nights together. The class is also focused on sharing the gospel with people who may have never heard it before and showing them the love of God! At the end of the year we get to take everything we learned and apply it. There is an end of the year missions trip that we all get to go on together, and is usually one of the highlights of the class. This year, we are going to India!! We will be flying down there June 11th and returning home on June 25th.

When I first found out we were going to India I couldn’t believe it. I tried to picture what it would be like and how I would respond to such a different culture. I still can’t picture it, but I am overjoyed to be able to go! I can picture in my head the different colors, smells and people and I can’t wait! We are going to be teaming up with the local church to help them reach out to people and provide the basic wants and needs of the community.

Jeremy and I know that we cannot do this on our own so we are reaching out to our loved ones to ask for help. We are looking for people to partner with us both financially and in prayer. The cost of the trip is approximately $2,500 a person (so for Jeremy and I costs will be about $5,000…Yikes!). Even though it is a lot of money, we really feel like we are meant to go on this trip and are confident that God will provide us with what we need. If you would like to help send Jeremy and I to India you can write a tax deductible check to the Harbor, noting that it is for Jeremy & Nicole Puz. Every dollar, penny, nickel and dime helps! If you can’t donate but would like to partner with us, please keep us in your prayers. Pray that we will raise enough money for the trip. Also pray for our safety and sanity as we fly half way across the world.

We are confident that God is going to use us in big ways in India, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it when we get back. Thank you in advance for partnering with us!
Lots of love,
Jeremy & Nicole Puz

Friday, March 4, 2011

Princess Party

So tonight I will be attending my very first princess party.  Not just any princess party, but this party is celebrating the birth of my very dear friend Bonnie.  Not only is Bonnie a loyal, committed friend, but she also clearly has very great taste (hence having a princess party!)  Now I love dressing up and being girlie so I have been thinking about this for a few weeks now...  What to wear, how to do my hair, what accessories to use.  I love this idea of having a princess party, but for those of you who know me.. I'm not much of a tiara girl.  If I'm going to be a princess I want to be a non-traditional rock-star princess.  So as I was brainstorming I thought of a few things that would make this princess fit my personality (sadly I wasn't able to pull of this together.. dang it's expensive to be a princess!)  Here are a few ideas for my non-traditional princess:

Instead of a tiara, wear a non traditional head piece:
Feather head piece
Black sequenced gloves instead of the traditional white gloves:
Fabulous alternative to traditional white gloves
Don't have any of your old prom dresses lying around? I think that any princess would have a floor length black dress in their closet, and it makes for a sophisticated, classy, sexy princess:
See ya later pink poofy princess dress
Throw in some antique jewelry:
Sequenced Pumps:

And you have yourself a very stylish, non traditional princess!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Please welcome.. MOOSE

Did you know that Jeremy and I got a puppy? Well if weren't aware or this now you are, and let me tell you he is the cutest pup you will ever see.

Introducing... MOOSE
For all you lady pups out there, I'm sorry to say that he is not allowed to date until at least 6 months..  

In all honesty, I'm not sure if there is a person alive that would be able to resist this cute puppy face.  I can't even deal with his cuteness!

So let me tell you a little bit about our new addition:

Breed: beagle/terrier mix (or so they say.. we got him from a shelter and his dad was a total washout and left him and his brothers and sisters before they were born.)
Age: Moose is now a whopping 14.5 weeks old.  He is growing up so fast!
Place of Birth: Moose was born in Tennessee on November 16th.  He was then rescued and brought to the North East Animal Shelter (which is a fabulous organization that I highly recommend) You should adopt a pet from here!
Likes: Car rides, anything that involves food, walks, rough housing with daddy, playing on the beach with other dogs, chewing sticks, napping.
Dislikes: Baths!
Favorite Memory: Being in Pennsylvania for butchering weekend and getting to chew a bone from an actual cow! yummy!!
Dreams and aspirations: To go above and beyond any of Cesar Milan's dogs when it comes to manners, obeying, tricks, and looks ;)
Chomping on a stick 

This little guy has brought so much joy to our lives!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I am taking this idea from Jess, so full credit goes to her.  Every Thursday I will post something that I am thankful for.  I was very excited about this idea because it took some pressure off of having to write a long, personal and well thought out blog every day.  Today is a very special Thursday because I will post two things that I am thankful for.  I just couldn't decide on one because they have both made today a wonderful day.

Today I am thankful for:

Colored Folders
Chocolate Cupcakes
It's amazing what some colored folders and a chocolate cupcake can do to your day!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Someone worth mentioning

I know I have been missing in action from the blog world for MONTHS now and I am deeply sorry about that.  you see, I have been so distracted lately.  Not to mention I have been pretty busy at work.  Honestly about two days ago I had told myself that I was all done with blogging because I had nothing good to say, I didn't have the time, and my blog just sucks! Pretty dramatic, I know. Although I was tempted I clearly did not hit the delete button on my blog, instead I was inspired to continue on by my best friend in the world Jessica Heindel.   She goes above and beyond her best friend duties so now this post is dedicated to her!

Oh and did I mention that she made me that awesome new header? She is simply the best!

Jess and I became best buds in 8th grade drama class... And when I say best buds I mean she always forgot my name and would ask me day after day to repeat it.  Eventually she learned my name and we then became the best of friends! We have been through so much together (way more than most teenage friends went through I'm sure).  We have faced bad breakups, deaths in our family, personal struggles, my battle with cancer, and some how came through it all being better friends.  We have also celebrated together when I became officially cancer free, when we graduated high school and college, and when we stood next to each other as the maid/matron of honor in each of our weddings.

July 26, 2008

July 17, 2010

Jess is an amazing woman of God, who earnestly seeks truth.  She is kind hearted and warm.  Welcoming and selfless. She is a deep thinker and is wise beyond her years!
Can't you tell?! 

She is a loyal, and trustworthy friend and I am so thankful for her!